The Diverse Reintegration Youth Program was specifically designed to complement existing youth justice services by offering a reintegration program that offer culturally appropriate service to youth and their family in the Youth Criminal Justice System.

Our objective is to provide a community-based referral option that will develop, implement and supervise specific activities relevant to holding young people accountable for reparation of harm done and provide opportunities for the young person to become contributing members of the community.

As a solution, DRYP offers services that provide resources, acts as a liaison and demonstrates the race and culturally related expertise needed to ensure that youth and their family receive suitable communication, education and referral services.

Mentorship, leadership and volunteerism are also significant elements of our service delivery where youth explore their full potential while maintaining positive and constructive relationships with their community.

We also provide informal and formal programming and training opportunities that supports the further development of life skills for participating youth. These programs include:

Anger management training (through our CALM Program)
Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behaviour (UMAB for youth and volunteers) and
Other case-specific programming that assist with the young person’s independence (budgeting, cooking/nutrition, housing, medical needs, home maintenance, general health, etc)

Eligibility criteria for DRYP are as follows:

Youth between 12 and 17 years of age
Reside in Durham Region (specifically Ajax, Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa)
Involvement with the Youth Criminal Justice System (YCJS) (conditional discharge, suspended sentence or intermittent sentence) or with the following dispositions;
Youth in long-term custody and short-term detention
YCJS involvement as a result of culturally sensitive influences
Referral for youth made by a Probation Officer