How can I help? 

  1. Donations are greatly appreciated and receipted (over $10).
  2. Corporate sponsorship packages are available for corporately responsible companies.
  3. Community partnerships are appreciated and we welcome referrals from other organizations and government departments.
  4. Volunteer Opportunities are available for individuals, businesses, and organizations wishing to become a member of CJA Durham and contribute their time and effort to assist in implementing and broadening our core programs and services with a goal to creating a more tolerant and more understanding community.
  5. Membership is an affordable way for individuals and organizations to be a part of an agency that has been working for social justice for over 36 years.  CJA of Durham is dedicated to safer and healthier communities and to working with youth in conflict with the law as well as supporting many other community programs.

How long has Community Justice Alternatives of Durham Region been in existence? 

​CJADurham has been in existence for 38 years.

What is CJA’s 5 year plan?

Raising awareness and expanding on our community based alliances with social service agencies, youth justice agencies, businesses, and other social organizations. Specifically, we are expanding on:

  • Quick Response Team (QRT) – Community Conflict Volunteers
  • Conflict Management in the Workplace – Staff Training
  • Youth Engagement Committee – Youth Advisory
  • Restorative Justice with Adult Offenders – Durham Court

What types of donations can I make and can I get a receipt?

CJA Durham will accept all types of donations (i.e. cash, in-kind, services). Maximum flexibility is afforded when we receive cash donations as we are able to direct these funds to the most needed areas of our organization.

We are a non-profit, charitable organization and will issue a donation receipt for all donations over $10.00. A receipt will be given for in-kind donations based on an appraised or Fair Market Value (FMV) of the item(s) donated.

Who are some of CJA Durham strategic alliances and partnerships?

Our Staff, Mediators & Directors are Proud Members of:

  • OCMC – Ontario Community Mediation Coalition
  • ADRIO – Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario
  • OAFM – Ontario Association for Family Mediation
  • FDRIO – Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario
  • OCJA – Ontario Community Justice Association
  • YJO – Youth Justice Ontario; Durham Connect (Situation Table)
  • Durham Youth Justice Quarterly Meetings
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Community of Practice (Durham Region) (DEI-CoP)
  • APBOT – Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade

How does the CJA Durham process work?

Our programs and services are diverse and serve the community in a broad manner. However, some of our programs are of specific interest to certain individuals and organizations, examples are listed below:

  • CSO: Probation Officers
  • VORP: Probation Officers, Judges, Crown Attorneys, Lawyers, Schools
  • DCMP: The community at large, Police, By Law Offices
  • CALM:  Youth Organizations, Schools, Parents, Police
  • Victims Services: Victims of crime
  • Community Outreach: Community organizations (i.e. schools, social service etc.)
  • Mediation Training: Individuals and organizations interested in acquiring mediation skills and serving on our Mediation Roster

Where does CJA Durham get its funding?

CJA Durham is currently funded by Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Service, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, local Municipals Grants and also relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations, and corporate and institutional donors. We have a broad requirement for donation and funding; if you are interested in making a contribution as a volunteer or sponsor contact us.

Is Community Justice Alternatives of Durham Region a registered Charity?

Yes, Community Justice Alternatives of Durham Region is a non-profit charitable organization and proud to be the second oldest mediation provider in North America.

What is your charitable number?

Community Justice Alternative of Durham Region’s charitable number is 890461171RR001.

How do I get there?

Click here for address/directions.

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